Frog Con aims to have more educational content this year, and we are particularly keen on collaborating with experts, academics, and organizations that are knowledgable about frogs or even own frogs.
If this sounds like you, please reach out to us and we would love to chat!
Frog Con is looking for someone to help us translate and communicate in Japanese so that we can engage the frog-loving Japanese community and collaborate with businesses in Japan. If you are proficient in both English and Japanese and love frogs, please reach out to us!
If you would like to sign up for our upcoming Artist Alley please check this page for more info!
If you are a froggy owner or influencer/content creator, we would love to collaborate!
One of the fan-favourite panels we held last year were froggy cams, where froggy owners could show off their frog(s), talk about them and their care, and answer questions live. Applications are not yet open, but please check back on the Panels and Events page sometime in July.
If you are looking to collaborate with Frog Con in a greater capacity than just a Froggy Cam, please feel free to email us at with your ideas or message us on Twitter or Instagram.
Frog Con will be accepting Panel applications in July, so please check the Panels and Events page around then!
If you are a froggy game creator, Frog Con would love to feature you! Applications are not yet open but please check back on the Games page around July.
Frog Con would love to be able to feature more types of froggy artists – including musicians! In particular we are considering having some froggy songs made specifically for Frog Con in this year's theme – cottagecore.
If you are interested in collaborating with us in this aspect or have ideas on how Frog Con could incorporate and feature froggy musicians please reach out to us at or on Twitter or Instagram.
Wow, thank you! If you would like to see how a sponsorship can help us and what you can get out of it, please contact us at
We truly appreciate your interest! Frog Con is still figuring out how we can incorporate volunteers into our operations, but if you have any specific skills or knowledge you think could help us please feel free to email or message us on Twitter or Instagram.
Hang in there while we prepare for Frog Con this year! If you just want to participate as an attendee you'll need to wait until we actually start up in October. But if you'd like to tell your friends and share Frog Con related content from or Twitter or Instagram we would greatly appreciate that!
Feel free to use the hashtag #frogcon2022